1.9" Amethyst and Chabazite Crystals on Sparkling Chalcedony - India

This is a beautiful, 1.9" wide specimen that features an association of amethyst crystals and chabazite crystals, all formed from a sparkling chalcedony encrusted matrix, collected from Madhya Pradesh, India. This formation occurred within a cavity/vug in the basalt host rock. Apophyllite, barite, and julgoldite crystals have also been reported as being present within some of these vugs.

Chabazite is the name for a series of minerals that include chabazite-Ca, chabazite-K, chabazite-Mg, chabazite-Na and chabazite-Sr. The variety of the crystal is dependent on the cation present during formation (Ca, K, Mg, Na or Sr). The red chabazite is commonly a calcium-dominant variety (chabazite-ca), the most prevalent of the chabazite series. Crystals usually exhibit a rhombohedral habit and can display a variety of colors including red, orange, yellow, and colorless.

Chavazite's general chemical formula is (Ca,K2,Na2)2[Al2Si4O12]2 · 12H2O.

Quartz var. Amethyst, Quartz var. Chalcedony & Chabazite
Khadakwani, Madhya Pradesh, India
1.9 x 1.6"